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Cat on the Balcony


Bringing "representation" into the most disruptive industries

Our Story

Innovation within the cannabis, digital media, and sustainable packaging sector is our core focus. Being entrepreneurs of color, our goal is to encourage more innovation amongst minorities and women, as African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinx-Americans combined make up less than 3% of patent holders within the U.S and Women overall make up less than 12% within the U.S.

We currently have been issued a Utility Patent (with no legal assistance) that solves the universal problem of getting the "last drop" of product out of your personal care bottles when it's stuck at the bottom of the bottle, which we're currently working to license to consumer product brands and manufacturers.

Our company also operates a digital media platform that focuses on inclusion, and manages a self-care brand for personalized wellness. We have found a beautiful balance of aligning our ventures to directly and indirectly compliment each other.

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